Society | Embracing Options ... Call (585) 235-0690 Sun, 03 Feb 2019 17:04:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Learning to Lament Sun, 21 Jan 2018 11:23:29 +0000 The Sanctity of Human Life

In January 1984, former President Ronald Reagan began a solemn tradition in our country – Sanctity of Human Life Day.

Each year on the Sunday closest to January 22, we have the opportunity to collectively mourn the tens of millions of lives that have been lost since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. This year, Sanctity of Human Life Sunday will be held on January 21, and we have the opportunity to come before God as the body of Christ to mourn and cry out to God.

Taking time to stop, mourn and pray has long been a spiritual practice and discipline. We see many examples in Scripture in the Old and New Testaments of lament, and our participation can be powerful. One definition of the word lament is “When we hurt physically, we cry out in pain; when we hurt religiously, we cry out in lament.” Lamentation can be described as a loud, religious ‘Ouch!’

Currently, four in ten women who have had an abortion are actively attending a church. Therefore, the abortion issue directly affects each of our churches. Our lament should be loud! This is a way that our hearts are able to be formed and brought into God’s heart – to feel what God feels.

Please join Embracing Options and the many Rochester-area churches as we bring awareness of the moral evil of abortion and the multiplied impact it has on the lives of those affected by it. Let us learn to lament together. In doing so, we will find something important: God’s love and mercy can lead to forgiveness and healing from the deep wounds caused by abortion!

by Crystal Cutting

Click here or on the banner above to read the our January newsletter.

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Planned Parenthood Mon, 26 Dec 2016 21:12:53 +0000 The Report No One Is Talking About

After they were eventually shamed into covering the Kermit Gosnell trial ­ many in the media admitted they should have covered it earlier and more vigorously. Some of the more honest journalists and outlets also admitted they had not reported on it because of their biases and reluctance to write about a story that shines a negative spotlight on abortion.

But that was then and this is now, they said. We will do better next time, they promised.

Well the next time has arrived and passed and the media has again completely ignored a truly shocking story about abortion. The Senate Judiciary committee last week published a 500-­page report on the practice of abortion clinics profiteering from selling body parts of aborted fetuses.

The committee makes it very clear that although they were prompted to act by the CMP’s famous undercover Planned Parenthood videos, their investigation was completely separate. They relied almost exclusively on documents acquired under subpoena from Planned Parenthood and the businesses doing the actual buying and selling.

And they were doing a lot of buying and selling…

Click here to read the full article in Townhall by Phelim McAleer.

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America’s Extreme Abortion Laws Mon, 01 Aug 2016 22:33:26 +0000 The Supreme Court vs. The People

We know what the majority on the Supreme Court thinks about abortion. But increasingly, the court of public opinion is issuing a different ruling.

It hasn’t even been a month since the Supreme Court handed down a decision many saw as a massive setback for the pro-life movement. But new data shows that it’s the supporters of legal abortion, not pro-lifers, who face an uncertain future. PR Newswire reports that the Catholic organization, the Knights of Columbus, conducted a scientific survey of a thousand Americans, 18 and over. And the results were stunning.

Although around half of Americans still call themselves “pro-choice,” seventy-eight percent—nearly eight in ten in this country—support substantial restrictions on abortion. It turns out not all Americans who call themselves “pro-choice” take the extreme position that abortion should be legal at any stage of pregnancy for any reason.

And the younger the survey participant, the less pro-choice they become. A similar study by Students for Life of America found that just seventeen percent of millennials support anything-goes abortion. Most, it turns out, want abortion heavily regulated and restricted to the earliest stages of pregnancy. In fact, an astonishing sixty-two percent of those who describe themselves as “pro-choice” believe abortion should be banned after the first trimester!

But it gets even more interesting and relevant to current debates. The study also found that over sixty percent of Americans oppose taxpayer funding for abortions, and nearly eight in ten want abortion clinics held to the same standard as other outpatient surgery centers—a rule the U.S. Supreme Court just struck down in Texas. And speaking of the Supreme Court, seventy percent of those surveyed say doctors who perform abortions should be required to have hospital admitting privileges—another Texas requirement declared unconstitutional by the Court. And most remarkably, Americans agree by a margin of 20 percent that religious healthcare providers should not be forced to perform abortions against their deeply-held beliefs.

Let’s be clear about something: This doesn’t amount to a pro-life revolution. Far too many Americans still think abortion should be legal at least in some cases—a position those of us who believe life begins at conception find inconsistent and unbearable. The overall goal of the pro-life movement is not that abortion becomes illegal; we want to persuade hearts and minds so that it becomes unthinkable.

Still, what this study does show is how profoundly out of touch many of our judges and lawmakers are with the American public. Liberals on the Supreme Court and elsewhere are basically keeping unrestricted abortion on “life support” in this country. The overwhelming majority of “we, the people,” favor cracking down on the practice.

But what about the rest of the world? The Left loves to tout Western Europe as a model for social democracy and progress. But as Cassy Fiano explains in a terrific video at Prager University, abortion laws in the United States are some of the most liberal in the world! Throughout Europe, where such laws were democratically-enacted rather than imposed by a court, abortion is widely restricted to the first trimester of pregnancy.

In Germany, Denmark, Belgium, and France, abortions after 12 weeks are virtually illegal. Waiting periods and parental consent requirements for minors are common. These kinds of laws raise cries of “theocracy!” in the United States. But they’re the democratically-enacted norm in much of famously secular Europe.

So what does all this mean? Though we still have a lot of work to do, the cultural winds are fair. Make no mistake: The Supreme Court’s recent edict striking down common-sense safety regulations on the abortion industry is an act of extremism.

Four decades of peering into the womb have forced most Americans to rethink abortion. Those on the bench and elsewhere who refuse to listen are getting lonely. And that’s why now is the time to press hard for change.

By John Stonestreet
Published in BreakPoint on July 29, 2016

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New Gallup poll on Abortion Sun, 19 Jun 2016 17:16:27 +0000 The latest Gallup poll

in May 2016 shows the number of Americans who consider themselves “pro-choice” has dropped to 47 percent, down from 50 percent last year. The poll also shows that 46 percent of Americans identify themselves as “pro-life” this year, up from 44 percent last year.

Review the chart below to see how little the numbers have fluctuated over the years:


In analyzing the data, Gallup notes:

Gallup began asking Americans to define themselves as pro-choice or pro-life on abortion in 1995, and since then, identification with the labels has shifted from a wide lead for the pro-choice position in the mid-1990s, to a generally narrower lead for “pro-choice” — from 1998 through 2008 — to a close division between the two positions since 2009.

In other words, attitudes toward abortion have been pretty evenly split for many years. The following Gallup poll chart shows the stability of the “absolute” and “qualified” pro-life stand in another way:


Currently 69 percent of Americans feel that access to abortion should be illegal entirely or legally limited in some way, while only 29 percent agree with abortion on demand. From a “pro-life” perspective, this is an improvement from the lowest recorded ebb in 1993 where only 61 percent were in favor of legal limitations, while 34 percent favored abortion on demand. Compare these numbers with attitudes expressed in the mid-1970s where a full 74 percent favored legal limitations, while only 22 percent agreed with abortion on demand.

People tend to think that the Supreme Court decision in “Roe vs Wade” was an expression of democratic sentiment rather than an unpopular decision from the bench and discount the national soul-searching that has continued unabated for over 40 years. One commentator, Joe Scarborough, said he thinks advances in technology over the years may play a large role in why the numbers have not drifted steadily toward the “pro-choice” position:

You now have the technology that not only takes parents inside so early. And it’s three-dimensional imaging and you sit there and you know what you do? You tear up. That’s what you do…The imagery that’s allowing parents to see their unborn children earlier, that’s having an impact. I remember seeing the 3-D imagery, and as I walked out of the office, I said ‘This is going to change the abortion debate. This is gonna change that because you see that and you immediately go ‘Ok, you can call it what you want to call it, but that’s a human being in there.’ That’s not a political statement. That is a statement as a dad.

Click here to review a summary of Gallup poll abortion results over the years.

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Revelation – Her Story Fri, 15 Apr 2016 01:54:13 +0000 Vivien Reed Spoken Word Ministry

Have you ever wondered what Embracing Options does? Watch this video that we were able to show at the His Branches Banquet last week. We give hope to people seeking help with unplanned pregnancies and STDs through the word of God. Grace, forgiveness and healing happens at Embracing Options.

“Revelation” spoken word poetry written and performed by Vivien Reed. Produced by Chris Brands with music by Nathan Felix. Words cannot express our thanks for each of your parts in making this video possible. Amazing!  ♥



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SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE DAY – January 17th Fri, 15 Jan 2016 04:17:44 +0000 Help us celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Day on Sunday January 17. National Sanctity of Human Life Day is celebrated on January 17, 2016. National Sanctity of Human Life Day is an observance declared by several U.S. Presidents who opposed abortion. President Ronald Reagan designated January 22, 1984 as the first National Sanctity of Human Life Day. The date was chosen to coincide with the 11th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case that first recognized the constitutionally-protected status of abortion in the United States.

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Aborting black America Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:55:09 +0000 Black abortions a crisis in America

The ‘black lives matter’ slogan excludes the unborn

“Black lives matter” has become the slogan of anti-police protests across the nation, but the target of the protests is so misplaced that the motives of the so-called civil rights leaders behind the movement must be questioned. Do they really care about black lives? Or are they cynically exploiting isolated incidents, such as the death of Michael Brown, to inflame the black population and advance their own political interests?

Today, on the somber anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, it’s time for black leaders to face up to the real danger threatening black lives in America. It isn’t the police. According to an anti-police brutality organization, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, 313 blacks were killed by “police, security guards and vigilantes” in 2013. It isn’t even black criminals, who, as Rudy Giuliani famously pointed out on “Meet the Press,” are responsible for 93 percent of violent deaths among blacks. Sources estimate that between 6,000 and 8,000 blacks are murdered each year.

No, the greatest danger to blacks is found precisely where we ought to be safest: in our mothers’ wombs. In 2010, the most recent year for which statistics are available, 138,539 black babies were aborted.

Thankfully, abortion is on the decline in America, down 3 percent between 2007 and 2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Strikingly, the number of surgical abortion clinics has plummeted, from 2,176 in 1991 to 551 today. Nevertheless, the CDC report that in 2010, a staggering 765,651 abortions were performed in the United States. Black women continue to have the highest abortion rate of any ethnic group, with a gruesome 483 abortions for every 1,000 live births.

The bottom line? I’ll say it again: 138,539 black babies, nearly one baby in three, were killed in the womb in 2010. According to the CDC, between 2007 and 2010, innocent black babies were victimized in nearly 36 percent of the abortion deaths in the United States, though blacks represent only 12.8 percent of the population. Some say the abortion capital of America is New York City. According to LifeSiteNews, the city’s Department of Health reported that in 2012, more black babies were aborted (31,328) than born (24,758). That’s 55.9 percent of black babies killed before birth. Blacks represented 42.4 percent of all abortions.

Legalized abortion is working out exactly as Margaret Sanger intended. Sanger, the founder of the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, was part of the eugenics movement back in the 1930s. Her goal was to use abortion to cull what she considered inferior races from the human gene pool. According to Sanger, “Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated.” She opened her first abortion clinics in inner cities, and it’s no accident that even today, “79 percent of Planned Parenthood’s abortion facilities are located in black or minority neighborhoods.”

We mustn’t forget that babies aren’t the only victims of abortion. Sadly, more and more of the mothers are suffering and dying as well. Though many people continue to deny it, the link between abortion and breast cancer has been amply documented, and this deadly consequence of abortion is plaguing greater and greater numbers of black women.

Ironically, black women used to suffer from breast cancer less frequently than white women. Not any longer. The Black Women’s Health Imperative notes that according to an American Cancer Society report, black women now develop breast cancer almost as frequently as whites, and are more likely to die from the disease. LifeSiteNews also cites an American Cancer Society report that black women under age 40 now are more likely to develop breast cancer than their white counterparts. They can thank Margaret Sanger – and some of today’s so-called civil rights leaders.

Sanger relied on black ministers to act as Judas goats leading their sisters to abortion mills. According to LifeSiteNews, Sanger wrote in 1939, “We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Some black leaders are still acting as Judas goats today. LifeSiteNews cites black pro-life activist Ryan Bomberger: “Back in 2005, the NAACP praised the high black abortion rate as compared to the percentage of the population at a NARAL fundraising gala. When more black babies are aborted than are born alive in NYC and the NAACP responds by supporting Gov. [Andrew] Cuomo’s radical abortion expansion via the misnamed ‘Women’s Equality Act,’ one can understand how the targeting of minorities continues unabated.”

Abortion is the greatest threat to black lives in America today. People who claim to represent the black community while also abetting the black holocaust – abortion – are hypocrites. Any “civil rights leader” who genuinely believes that “black lives matter” should be working to see that every black baby is accorded the very first civil right – the right to life.

by J. Kenneth Blackwell, a policy board member of the American Civil Rights Union. Published in the Washington Times.

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Is Gosnell Case Unique? Wed, 15 May 2013 11:32:48 +0000 Accused murderer and Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell was one of the pioneers of the abortion movement, but not a good one. The Philadelphia Grand Jury report that led to his indictment on 7 counts of murder in the deaths of infants at his his Philadelphia clinic reads like one of the best true crime stories. USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers and PolicyMic’s own James Velasquez have asked why the unbelievable horror of the Gosnell death clinic has not been covered more in major media outlets.

The reasons why this story has not been properly covered read like a laundry list of what’s wrong in America. After watching the video below, click here for more in depth reporting.

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A Pro-life Majority Sat, 16 May 2009 10:45:00 +0000

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