Pregnancy Options

What choices do I have?

Facing difficult choices?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy you may feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions, and the pressure can be great to make a fast decision. Whether you decide to parent, terminate, or place your child for adoption, none of your choices are easy.

Maybe you’ve already made up your mind and you just want to confirm the facts. Our trained peer counseling staff knows that your situation is unique and important. Call us today at 585-235-0690 for a free appointment. We’re here to provide you with medically accurate, up-to-date information to help you make informed choices.

What’s a responsible choice?

Parenting: There are consequences to whatever you choose to do. It’s difficult to make a decision when you feel that your career, education, financial stability and relationships are in jeopardy. These are valid concerns and your client advocate will examine these issues further with you. Parenting is a lifelong commitment with many challenges and rewards. Thankfully, you don’t have to face it alone. Our client advocates will be there for you and will help you prepare over the next several months if you decide to parent.
Pregnancy Termination: There are also consequences to this choice. It’s difficult not to make this decision when you feel that your career, education, financial stability and relationships are at stake. The decision to abort shouldn’t be made quickly or under pressure. It’s your body… your choice. And it’s your future that will be affected. Check out the different methods used, depending on how far along the pregnancy is, and sign up for a free informational ultrasound to find out. You can visit Option Line for more information, too.
Adoption: There are consequences to this choice, too. Often adoption seems to be the most difficult decision, regardless of its impact on your career, education, financial stability and relationships. The idea of carrying a child for nine months only to release him or her into the care of another family may seem emotionally impossible. However, if parenting a child at this point in your life would be difficult, this option may offer the best benefits. Our client advocates will help you examine this option further. Click here for more information about adoption.
