Is She Pregnant?


Do you have a voice?

Your partner or girlfriend may be going through many changes. You may both feel scared, depressed, or upset. The culture tells you that it’s all her choice and not yours. So do you have a voice? Do you have a decision in this?

This is the time to get the facts, learn about the options facing you both and speak up. Call us today at 585-235-0690 for a free appointment. Don’t you want to be able to make these decisions together? After all, this is your unborn child too!

Some women have an abortion because they are afraid of being a single mother.

Ask yourself:

  • Will you be involved in her choice?
  • Will you become the man you’re meant to be?
  • Will you be her hero and your child’s hero?
  • Is this life inside her “Just a fetus?” Check out the Fetal Development links at the right.